Welcome to Kings Arena

The Place for You
This is King’s Arena in Shankill, Co. Dublin in Republic of Ireland. KAD is a great place to receive individualized ministry for you and your entire family. You’re invited to come and experience the love of God, uninhibited worship, Holy Spirit encounters and empowerment, and adding value to you and equipping you to make a difference with your life and also in the lives of others around you.
We encourage people like you to discover themselves and find their space in the Body of Christ. You are important in God’s eternal plan – and we are glad you chose to be here. If you’ve been longing to know God only to find religion, then you’ll find an unforgettable, refreshing experience here. This is a multiracial church where we gather together in unity to care for the needs of the whole family and strive to make impact in our local community.

The Place For You

We preach the undiluted Word of God.

We believe in making a difference.

Esirigho & Abiola Ofurhie

Esirigho & Abiola Ofurhie

Senior Pastor

We are an evangelical, Pentecostal and apostolic church. That means we believe in and practice the Full Gospel. We preach the undiluted Word of God. We believe in healing, miracles, signs and wonders, and also manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit, finding purpose, making a difference and operating with a mandate to equip, empower, activate, and release every believer into the work of the ministry on the strength of Ephesians 4:11-12.

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The Olowosulus

“We knew God was with us, and however He chose to resolve the situation would be best.”

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“We preach the

undiluted Word of God”

We believe in healing, miracles, signs and wonders,

and also manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit,

finding purpose, and making a difference.

Esirigho Ofurhie

Senior Pastor